Season 2 - Ep 18 - Your Place or Mine with Jessie Olsen


The Youngest Boys and the Oldest Men

Well hello there, babes. Welcome back to Your Place or Mine, hosted by Jessie Olsen. In this episode, we chat about the oldest and youngest men I've hooked up with.

Inspired by recent events, I've been thinking a lot about my dating age range. How young is too young to hook up with? How old is too old? History has shown me that young men aren't usually impressive but that myth was busted this week after a fantastic hookup with a 23 year old. Hear about some of the poor experiences of the youngest and the oldest from the past, and why I'm giving both a chance.

Want to come to a Your Place or Mine Comedy Show? Check out the next show:

Friday, Feb 25th - 7PM - Nothing Fancy - Tickets:

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Season 2 - Ep 16 - Your Place or Mine with Kari Johnson